
Photographer Outfit

Monday 7 July 2014
Outfit: Uniqlo t-shirt, The Kooples track pants, Rick Owens leather jacket, New Balance sneakers, Hermes Cape Cod watch and Louis Vuitton Speedy 35cm.

This is what I call my "photographer" outfit. I can squat, lie on the ground, skip over branches.... run through fields, beaches etc whilst lugging my heavy equipment (tripods, camera, lenses, laptop, batteries.....and so forth). My friend, Tara accompanied me on the photo shoot which was a lifesaver as she quickly found out that my navigational skills was worse than a 2 year old's. Here's a quick snapshot just before we headed out for breakfast, all bleary eyed sans coffee with only a few hours of sleep.

Thank goodness for the glasses because I think I've aged faster than I've ever had before over the past month. Grey hair has sprouted everywhere. There are bags under my eyes permanently and I just found a few more fine lines.  Not counting sleepless nights worrying about coordinating everyone and everything, traveling every week to various locations and overseas........ I'm working on a large scale project involving many individuals for this blog which I'm extremely excited about. It will be rolled out in mid September. So stay tuned.

p.s. I've finally succumbed to my very first anti-aging beauty product at the ripe old age of 40.


  1. You look sharp and professional and cool, all at the same time. I'm 12 years older than you and suffice to say wrinkle stuff crowds my drawers and really not sure its working. btw there was some NZ stuff I ordered that I thought was good, can't remember the name of it but will let you know...

    1. My mom bought me a whole bunch of Trilogy products from NZ but the only thing that worked was the rosehip oil. I've also tried a few local products but they were equally unimpressive.

  2. Looking cool as ever! I want to know what anti - aging product you have gone for? I have just purchased some REN serum and was debating over their Anti - aging Retinoid cream......

    1. Hah! You read my mind! I've tried the anti-aging retinoid cream sample but it was so-so. I bought the serum instead and so 3, it has really brightened my complexion. I'm not sure about the fine lines yet as it's early days.

    2. First off Marlene I concur with Fashionmum up there, you look great! :) And that jacket is all sorts of awesome! :)

      Regarding retinol - REN anti-antiageing serum is bio retinol me thinks? So am not sure how fast that is supposed to work, being bio and all. But using regular retinol does take a few months (am no expert, this is just something I've read on MUA?) Be as it may - I've been using avene eulage for almost a year now and from what I can see it does help with the lines (I had frown lines on my forehead since forever and it definitely softened them up). I started with avene because it seemed safe enough since my skin is sensitive and reacts plus I started gradually (every other night) cos I was afraid my face would fall off or something :) Now I apply it every night and on the under eye area and again it does help with the lines plus the undereye bags (thanks Mum! :) have shrunk considerably.

      Obvs there are other great products with retinol, or prescription retinol (much stronger) you can get from a derm, but avene was something I felt was safe to use?

      Also hydration? If my skin isn't hydrated properly, it all goes to sh*t (pardon my French :) Anything with Sodium Hyaluronate helps (I've been using apivita blue serum and it's lovely, 98% natural and works like a dream for me).

    3. Oh wow, R! Thank you ever so much for the detailed tip. Really REALLY appreciate it. You're right, I'm using the bio retinol from REN. I dabbed a little under my eye but was a little apprehensive because I wasn't sure if that was what I'm allowed to do. Whew. Glad to hear that you're doing the same.

      I've never ever used Avene before but is this the Eluage Anti-Wrinkle in a tube or the cream? I don't have frown lines......yet but the forehead isn't as smooth as it used to be. I'm going to have to check out the apivita blue serum. How do you alternate the serums or do you use them all at the same time?

    4. Marlene, a couple of links with some extensive retinol info (also if you check Paula's website there are other articles about anti-aging stuff in general).

      Referring to Paula above - the only thing I wouldn't really dare is put retinol on during the day (even with SPF), but that's just cos my skin is sensitive to sun.

      If you aren't reacting to REN (they make lovely stuff, have a few of their serums), you should be ok dabbing it under the eye, me thinks.

      Eluage, it's in a pump bottle which is great since it's hygienic. Normal cream, there is also "rich" version? But again have dry skin, so maybe google it a bit just to see what is out there in case your skin is more combo or similar?

      I do the lady Hirons method :)

      AM Cleanse/tone/eye cream/serum/moisturizer/SPF (in winter there might be something more heavy in there like an oil, depending on how dehydrated the skin is)

      PM Cleanse/tone(exfoliate)/retinol/all the rest (serums, oils, whatever you might be using)

      For example - apivita is a day serum at the moment since it's really great at hydrating the skin during this hot weather we've been having. In winter time again it might be an oil of some sort. Also AHAs I'll use every other night, since it makes my skin a bit dryish if done on daily basis?

      So it all depends how your skin is feeling and you'll know/feel what suits you best from the stuff you already use? Check Caroline's stuff about routines, she really breaks it down in a no nonsense way :) Yes, it seems LOADS, but once you get used to it, it takes 5 minutes tops.

      ALSO - please, drink your water! :) And I know we've just discussed anti-aging and all that said, but truly not only you look lovely, you also seem like a really cool, decent person so sheesh about the wrinkles :)

    5. R, you're a fountain of information. Seriously blown away by your knowledge. I used to be crazy about Apivita but I didn't realize they do serums as well. Okay, that's definitely next on my list. I'm not reacting to the REN serums so that's a good sign. My skin seems to react positively to their products.

      So far, I'm only using Retinol in the evening as per the instruction on the bottle. I'm going to check out the links you've mentioned. This is all very new to me. Gosh, I really need your encyclopedic knowledge on skincare. I'd love for you to do a guest post here because I think there are many out there who would appreciate your tips.

    6. Oh you are lovely Marlene, for having faith in my abilities :) But I'm far from being an expert. In fact I used baby bottom cream for years (YEARS!) because I wanted to avoid my skin going all splotchy and ew. I've read up on this stuff over the last few months.

      The only advice (NON-expert mind) I'd feel comfortable sharing:

      - read up on your skin type, skin condition if you have any problems and products. Caroline Hirons' blog is a great place to start (all her cheats sheets namely) if you want a routine in place and don't know where to start (much like I did). Paula's choice is good for basic stuff like ingredients if you want to avoid the nasties. MUA for product reviews. And so on.

      - familiarize yourself with your skin (and no, do not look in a magnifying mirror. Because just NO. Unless you need to pluck a hair :) Is there some food stuff that make you react? Dry air? Too much exfoliation? Stress? Not enough water? Once you start paying attention you can tell pretty quickly what makes your skin feel good and what doesn't.

      - try new things (which goes right back to the baby bottom cream I mentioned above). For example Caroline preaches facial oils. Even for oily skins. And toners for all skin types. I've never used a toner (EVER) cos I thought sheesh that'll only make my skin even more dry. But it doesn't. It perks the skin right up. And it's not drying at all. So who knew?

      And that's basically it! :) From this non-expert! Oh and yes - me thinks you can get a routine in place and not spend a ton? Truly there are great products in all price points nowadays.

  3. You look great, wouldn't say more than 35! Xx


  4. Love everything! I can't wait to see what you have in the works. Sounds major! :)

    1. Can't wait to share more info with you, Laura. Would've loved to include you if you weren't so far away.

    2. I hate that I'm so far away!!!! grrrrrrr

    3. You need to move to this part of the world, L.

  5. Marlene, do you drink enough water/fluid? Bags under your eyes?!Best wishes

    1. I'm terrible with fluids. Thank you for the reminder. That and stress.....

  6. Ok I can officially announce that I met this amazing woman in the flesh yesterday and what I saw was a stunning wrinkle free, flowing locks, slender legged, achingly stylish babe. You looked about 25.
    Oh and I just checked and yes, still in love with that jacket. Stop with the links!! Ax

    1. Avril, you've got me floating on cloud 9. Definitely not fine line free..... Hah! You couldn't see because I was wearing glasses. I'll have to let you try the jacket the next time I see you.

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