Monday 7 October 2013

Smoking Slippers: Steal vs Splurge

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I've kept photos of Miranda Kerr wearing her leopard print smoking slippers on my desktop for a while now. The more I see them, the more they appeal to me. I used to think that my black flats would be my most practical shoes but surprisingly, it's the leopard print ones that get used more often than not. They have a neutral palette but also add a nice va-va-voom to the outfit if you're a serial neutral clothes addict like me. I have enough ballerina flats to last me a lifetime. A pair of smoking slippers will be a nice addition to my shoe collection, particularly if they come with cushioned insole and a slight heel because my feet often take a pounding when I'm out and about. 

I had a chance to surface from my cave (aka flat) today so I took the opportunity to pop into a shop. The Just Ballerinas leopard print smoking slippers caught my eye. The ponyhair exterior was surprisingly luxurious to touch and I was just as impressed with the leather soles and workmanship, considering its lower price point. To my surprise, they're made in Italy. Sadly, there were none in my size (isn't that always the problem?!).

Updated: Many thanks to the sharp eyed Teresa for pointing out a few errors that shouldn't have been there. You're my lifesaver!


  1. I prefer the Pretty Ballerinas to the Louboutins! I'm not sure if I can get away with the smoking slipper look, need to try one on before taking the plunge.

  2. I have to agree with Katherine, the PBs are way nicer. I love a good leopard print, I definitely think they're a good alternative to a classic black ballet flat


    1. P.S. - They have in size 35!
      P.S 2 - You linked a brand named "Just Ballerinas", instead of "Pretty Ballerinas" (I have 3 pairs of Pretty Ballerinas and they are GREAT)


    2. Teresa, you're a lifesaver. I'm such a twat. That'll teach me a lesson to publish a post in a hurry. Thank you ever so much! I'll be editing the post shortly.

    3. You are more than welcome! And I just want to add that I really LOVE your blog, and your style! Keep on going!

    4. Awww....that compliment just went straight to my head. Thank you! And another huge thank you for proofreading my post xxxx

  4. I prefer the pretty Ballerinas too, I have a few pairs of their flats which I have worn to bits.

    1. Hmm....everyone seems to know about Pretty Ballerinas. I must've been the last person to have "discovered" them :P

  5. Another vote for the pretty ballerinas! I hope you will find a pair in your size, they are really nice!

  6. I have a pair of leopard print slippers, and I can attest to the fact that they are my most versatile shoe (I, too, tend to neutrals). I've even (shocking for me!) pattern-mixed them with seersucker stripes or my navy eyelet J. Crew pencil skirt. And with flats, I tend to vote for the least-expensive-but-still-supportive pair as possible, as I'm hard on flats and they don't last the way boots or oxfords do for me.

    1. I didn't know you can do patterns/stripes with leopard print but I love how you described your outfit. It sounds so chic. Hah! You're talking someone who thinks grey is colorful!

  7. Oops something ate my comments arrggh! help me help me....I can't seem to pull off animal skin prints but I do like them on others

    1. Really? I always thought that you'll rock that animal prints with a more colorful outfit well.

  8. I had a pair of leopard print flats that were the best shoes ever until they just got worn out from constant use. I'd love all the ones you suggested!

  9. Believe it or not, I saw a pair similar to #1 (leopard print, tasseled) in the girl's section at Zara!
    -S in HK

  10. I'm going to take a look. I just wish the customs duty here isn't so crazy high.
